PRIORITY II – Prioritising Retention in Clinical Trials


The TRIAL FORGE initiative is conducting a research project called PRIORITY II which aims to identify the most important things we don’t know that affect whether people stay involved in clinical trials. We all know that retention of participants in clinical trials is a big problem, if large numbers of participants drop out it can affect the fidelity of the overall trial results despite all the hard work being done to recruit participants into the trial.

You can get involved by helping to improving the future of clinical trials by improving what we know about the best ways to encourage people to stay involved in clinical trials and by completing this short survey: where you can also find more information about the PRORITY II initiative.

The findings from the PRIORITY I (Prioritising Recruitment in Randomised Trials) initiative have recently been published identifying the top 10 priority research questions which focus on how to improve the process of recruiting people to randomised trials. The study was a priority setting partnership (PSP) based on the methods of the James Lind Alliance (JLA). The JLA (UK) brings patients, carers and healthcare professionals together in Priority Setting Partnerships.