UKCRC IS Operational Group Annual Meeting 1st November 2016


Tim Cranston and myself attended the UKCRC ISOG annual meeting on 01Nov2016 held at the EHI-LIVE conference at the NEC. (

During the morning of this well-organised and interesting meeting we heard from John Hodson, NHS Digital, who gave a talk on the IG Toolkit and explained how they were trying to make clearer the processes involved in completing it.

Sharon Kean, from the Glasgow Clinical Trials Unit, then gave a talk on the importance and relevance of computer system validation (CSV) on statistical software and whether the CTU’s IT department should get involved in this process.

In the afternoon we joined the main conference and heard firstly from Beverly Bryant, Head of Digital Transformation, NHS Digital, who gave an impassioned talk on the Mission and Vision of the new NHS Digital. Beverly was followed by Dame Fiona Caldicott who presented ‘Building public trust for the use of health and care data’ which gave a very brief summary of the findings and recommendations of the National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care’s policy paper ‘Review of data security, consent and opt-outs’.