How to write and publish a study protocol “free online BMJ module”


Did you know, the BMJ ( is launching an eLearning programme called Research to Publication aimed at early career academics in healthcare research. The full programme is launching soon.

As an introduction, they are offering a FREE module on 'How to Write and Publish a Study Protocol' At the end of this module you will be able to:

• Understand different meanings of the term “protocol”
• Communicate the value of planned research
• Appreciate the characteristics of a good research question
• Match research questions to appropriate study designs
• Evaluate examples of published protocols
• Understand importance and limitations of trial registration
• Choose the correct guideline for writing a protocol paper
• Describe key features of ICH GCP E6 and SPIRIT guidelines for reporting clinical trial protocols
• Understand how to prepare a real study protocol for publication in a journal.

The module is written by Trish Groves who is head of research at the BMJ and editor-in-chief of BMJ Open and certainly knows her stuff when it comes to writing high impact publications!

The full eLearning programme offers a comprehensive (but unfortunately no longer free!) set of stand-alone, self-study modules that let you choose what to study, and at your own pace. The full programme draws on the expertise of the BMJ's research editors to guide you through the process from designing a study, to seeing it published in an international journal.